Aqua Culture

Inland aquatic ecosystems have an outstanding place among the protein sources of the country. Development of inland fisheries as a means to increase the availability of protein food for the masses and to create employment opportunities for a wide section of society has long been recognized. As aquaculture production can be considerably increased, properly planned and managed aquaculture development should be able to contribute considerably to an increase in food supplies. By improving the physical well-being and quality of life of the rural poor, their productivity and ability to contribute to the national economy may be enhanced through aquaculture. Economic viability of the industry is the main principle on which aquaculture development should be based and a variety of yardsticks should be used. There is a wide gap between the production potential and actual aquaculture fish production capacity of each water body in the country. Successful aquaculture development depends upon wise planning and careful balance of resources, institutionalization, regulations and policy guidelines. Aquaculture has also some innate a


Fresh Pond an aqua-engineering-based fish production company in Bangladesh located in Sreepur, Gazipur having 11 acres of pond of fresh water since 1980. We culture here mixed varieties of fish. We produce here complete organic fish maintain all the scientific procedures of fish culture.

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